Saturday, November 26, 2005

Sir Tempsalot rides again

As of Monday afternoon, I will officially be qualified to appear in Massachusetts courts on behalf of whomever might be stupid enough to retain an attorney the day he was sworn into the Massachusetts bar. The ceremony is in Fanueil Hall, and it might take up to three hours. I got myself a new suit for the occasion. (H+M. I have an H+M problem.)

My storied temp agency found me a position "extracting" commercial real estate leases, a job that couldn't have been more poorly-tailored for me. Apparently the client had requested someone with a JD because the job "involved contracts." It did, I guess, but it mostly involved numbers and spreadsheets and numbers and formulas and numbers and databases (did I mention numbers? I think I probably mentioned numbers) and I almost cried when I realized that I was slated to be doing this for at least two months. Really, I almost cried.

Like most people who went to law school, I graduated satisfied that whatever I was going to be doing in the future, at least it wouldn't involve numbers. I have a visceral fear of large groups of numbers, especially regarding tasks that require juggling and organizing them in groups. This isn't just a phobia, dear readers: it's a terror so gripping that it eventually results in physical symptoms (headaches, nausea, worse) after prolonged exposure. I know that I'll be getting the usual sniping from Hostile, Mass. for this, but a man's gotta know his limits. I finally had to ask the agency if maybe they could find someone with an accounting background to deal with this, because it just wasn't going to work for me. I can handle unpleasant work (and, trust me, this was unpleasant), but really only if I'm actually capable of doing it without annoying a lot of people. That just wasn't happening here. It's the first job in my life that I've ever quit, but I also have the assurance of knowing that it's one that I never would have applied for. I'd call that a draw.


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