Friday, October 21, 2005

rock, rock. rock'n'roll law school.

I've just realized that this is the first October in 21 years in which I'm not in school.

And then for some reason I was thinking about that guy, back in law school. If you went to law school, you had one of these guys too. He was the one who went around letting people know that they probably shouldn't bother signing up for the upcoming moot court competition because, well, you know, he and his partner were both Best Oralist in their respective appellate advocacy classes. And there's really no way you'd have a chance. (He really talked like this. About everything.)

Ours was completely destroyed in the first round because he'd attempted to script exactly everything he would possibly need to say. (Well, that and he was a raging sociopath with a terrible courtroom manner.) How did yours do?


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